ICPhS99 Satellite Meeting on

Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech

Place: 370 Dwinelle Hall,U. C. Berkeley

Date: Friday, July 30, 1999

  • 08:30-09:00 Coffee available.

    09:00-09:10 Welcome - Robin Lickley

  • SESSION 1: PRODUCTION ISSUES. Chair, Jean Fox Tree
  • 09:10-09:40 Robert Eklund: A comparative analysis of disfluencies in four Swedish travel dialogue corpora

    09:40-10:10 Heather Bortfeld, Silvia D. Leon, Jonathan E. Bloom, Michael F. Schober, & Susan E. Brennan: Which speakers are most disfluent in conversation and when?

    10:10-10:40 Kim Kirsner, Benjamin Roberts, & Yong-Heng Lee: Why does spontaneous speech unfold in temporal cycles sometimes?

    10:40-11:00 Coffee

  • SESSION 2: PERCEPTION. Chair, Ellen Gurman Bard
  • 11:00-11:30 Jean E. Fox Tree: Between-turn pauses and ums

    11:30-12:00 Susan E. Brennan & Michael Schober: Uhs and interrupted words: the information available to listeners

    12:00-12:30 Robin J. Lickley, David McKelvie, & Ellen Gurman Bard: Comparing human and automatic speech recognition of disfluent speech using word-gating

    12:30-13:30 Lunch

  • SESSION 3a: ASR/CL APPROACHES. Chair, Peter Heeman
  • 13:30-14:00 Sherri Page: Use of a post-processor to identify and correct speaker disfluencies in automated speech recognition for medical transcription

    14:00-14:30 Sergey Pakhomov & Guergana Savova: Filled pause distribution and modeling in quasi-spontaneous speech

    14:30-15:00 Dafydd Gibbon & Shu-Chuan Tseng: Toward a formal characterization of disfluency processing

    15:00-15:30 Coffee

  • SESSION 3b: ASR/CL APPROACHES. Chair, Elizabeth Shriberg
  • 15:30-16:00 Douglas O'Shaughnessy: Better detection of hesitations in spontaneous speech

    16:00-16:30 Peter A. Heeman & K. H. Loken-Kim: Detecting and correcting speech repairs in Japanese

    16:30-17:00 Mark G. Core & Lenhart K. Schubert: Speech repairs: a parsing perspective

    17:00-17:30 General discussion

    Format: Each talk 20 mins with 10 mins discussion.

    Cost: $25 ($15 for students). Please pay at the registration desk by the end of the morning coffee break. Cash is preferable to checks.

    Dinner arrangements being made for the speakers at a local restaurant. There may be extra places. Please sign up at registration.