The Baldwin effect in the evolution of language

Hajime Yamauchi

In 1896, James Mark Baldwin proposed "a new factor in evolution" (Baldwin 1896). In a nutshell, he assumed that if an individual is capable of acquiring an adaptive feature postnatally, addition of such a learning process in the context of evolutionary search potentially changes the profile of populational evolution.

Along with its recent reincarnation in computer science, not a few number of linguists have started to conceive that it would be a crucial factor of the evolution of language (e.g. Pinker & Bloom, 1990). The learning-guided evolution scenario possibly provides a strikingly attractive solution to a longstanding problem. Preliminary studies suggest that language evolution is out of the scope of natural selection mainly because of its dysfunctional nature: Language evolution is a consequence of exaptation or a big leap in evolution (Piatelli-Palmarini 1989). This no-intermediate scenario would be, however, explicable by natural selection when it is guided by learning since learning can bridge the gap. There is a further advantage of the Baldwin effect in the evolutionary study of the language acquisition mechanism. Its combination of genetically hardwired features and postnatal learning processes are perfectly compatible with Chomsky's P&P theory. Together with its genetic assimilation process, the Baldwin effect may shed a light on the nature of the current relationship between innateness and postnatal learning in language acquisition. I would like to talk about facts and myths of the Baldwin effect in language evolution together with its facts and myths.


Baldwin, J. M. (1896) "A New Factor in Evolution" The American Naturalist 30.

Chomsky, N. (1981) Lectures on Government and Binding: The Pisa Lectures. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Piatelli-Palmarini (1989) "Evolution, Selection and Cognition" Cognition 31.

Pinker, S. & P. Bloom (1990) "Natural Language and Natural Selection" Behavioural and Brain Science 13.