Getting the Trees program


There are versions of the Trees program both for Macs and PCs.

If you are using the pcs in the Linguistics Department's microlab (B12/B10, AFB) the Trees program is already installed (as are some grammar files for it. If you can find the program on the pc (you should be able to access it from the "Programs" menu), you can skip the rest of the instructions on this page and proceed straight to opening the program and start work (or play).

Otherwise, the quickest way to obtain the program if you are a student at Edinburgh is to download it from our web site. Always be sure that you are dowloading the appropriate version for the platform that you are using:

Now you can proceed to open the program and start work.

The Mac program and the grammar files are small. So if you are on a public machine but want to avoid having to go through this each time you use the program you can just put the program, the grammar files you are using, and any files you create onto a floppy.

The PC version of the program appears to be too big to fit onto a floppy; the developers have been contacted concerning this. For the moment you have at least three options:

If you have difficulty downloading the program, please contact Eddie or me

Last modified: 5th November 2001