The Trees program

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Trees is a program (now with both Mac and PC versions) developed as a tool for displaying and manipulating syntactic trees. It can be used to construct trees that can then be pasted into word processing documents or web pages, and also for exercises to gain practise in working with syntactic structures. For further information, consult the Trees home page.

The program works with grammar files or "tools" that specify words, structures, and various ways in which syntactic structures can be built. In the case of an exercise set for a course, the instructor will provide a grammar (usually a file with the suffix .tgr) and instructions for how to use it.

By virtue of a license that we hold from the authors of the program, users at the University of Edinburgh can download this program for their own use (see instructions below). Other users can download a demo version from the Trees home page.

Downloading the Trees program and grammar files.

Opening the Trees program

Drawing a simple tree with the sample grammar

Saving and printing your work




The Trees logo on these pages was created by Sean Crist and Tony Kroch, of the University of Pennsylvania, the authors and copyright holders of the Trees program.

These instructions are adapted (with permission) from instructions prepared by Colin Phillips, of the University of Delaware. He is not however resonsible for the errors that have almost certainly been introduced in the process.

Caroline Heycock
Last change: 5th November 2001